
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Warm Vegan Quinoa Salad-So Healthy It Could Undo Bad Treats

I made this for a late dinner because I scarfed down five jammie dodgers and four fat bits of pork crackling early evening and spoiled my appetite. This salad was a super tasty and healthy meal which made me feel like I hadn't had the treats at all!

I don't have quantities for the ingredients list so use your best judgement. Here's what I did to pack in as much flavour and texture in as possible. This salad can also be served cold so it's worthwhile making enough for leftovers.

Veggie stock powder
Raw apple cider vinegar
Splash of balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Carrot and butternut squash chopped into small pieces
Celery sliced in diagonals
Chopped tomato (optional as I had to use it up)
Onion sliced
1 garlic glove crushed
Broccoli cut in small pieces
Kale or black cabbage chopped in 1 inch wide
Sundried tomatoes in oil finely sliced
Salt and pepper
Raw or roasted pumpkin seeds

1) Steam quinoa with veggie stock powder and water. Pour into a salad bowl when cooked.
2) Mix the carrot, butternut squash, onions, garlic with olive oil to coat and season to taste in oven until edges are lightly browned.
3) Steam the cabbage/kale and broccoli until al dente
4) When cooking is done, mix all the veggies with the quinoa with olive oil and vinegars to taste.
5) Season and serve with pumpkin seeds sprinkled on top.

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