
Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Christmas Badger Is On The Tree

Silly season has started and next week is going to be a merry go round of eating and drinking. On Saturday I came back from a day in Paris and went straight to a party at a friend's house.

I slept in until nearly midday and didn't have a hangover. Perhaps it's true what they say about drinking champagne. I hadn't slept in for so long and felt pretty good aside from my shoulders after lugging four bottles of champagne on one arm and the rest of my shopping on the other.

Feeling a cold coming on, I needed pomegranate. The best place for fruit and vegetables is in Tuffnel Park. I went all the way there and bought six huge pomegranates for 79p each, that's almost half the price that my local supermarket charges. Who said you needed to pay a premium for good produce in London? You just need dedication to travel for it.

With the shopping done, I retreated home and by then it was dark. I ate goodies from Paris and put up the Christmas lights and decorations. And most importantly, finally got to blog again!

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